The Nest Collection by Form Us With Love

/ / Art, Design Competition, New York, Videos

Form Us With Love recently created the Nest Collection for +Halle. The series provides an unpronounced divider to the traditional lounge area, by simply creating layers of both high and low seating. The heights offers a sense of privacy, whilst maintaining the comfort of a relaxed armchair.

“With Nest, you can create a perfect room-in-a-room feeling without having to add traditional tall room dividers or high back sofas,” commented Martin Halle, Brand and communication director at +Halle. “When first installed it was evident that people were sitting next to each other-at different levels-without being affected by their neighbors. With a minimal expression, the Nest Collection, keeps the room open in a new way.”

Fascinated by the typologies of pedestals, such as the Umpire’s chair on a tennis court, Form Us With Love has experimented with a lofty landscape, adding the element of dignity and softness to a seat with a view. “Our ideas of different height layers led, as they often do, into deeper research,” explained John Löfgren, Creative Director at Form Us With Love. “We analysed the activities and behaviours of a public spaces, and the upholstered furniture vs. bar stool seating scenario. Instead of putting the two characteristics next to one another, we merged them-creating a tall vertical Nest.”

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